quadrants, habitat, dispersion indicesAbstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial distribution and abundance of the only species of freshwater sponge from Lake Titicaca, Balliviaspongia wirrmanni, in the Titicaca National Reserve (RNT). The evaluations were carried out in the aquatic ecosystem of Lake Titicaca, through the random application of quadrats of one m2. In each individual cattail (Schoenoplectus tatora) present in each quadrat, the presence of sponges was evaluated to perform the count. The results were contrasted according to time periods and study areas. Average sponge counts were higher in the RNT zone, with 485 sponges, and lower in the Puno - Capachica zone, with 47 sponges (P < 0.001), with uniform and contagious Morisita dispersion indices, respectively. The abundance was higher in the RNT area with 43.35%, in the months of July and August. The obtained data suggest that sponges prevail in remote areas free of anthropic action and decrease in the proximity of towns and cities because different anthropic activities would be affecting their growth and development in the aquatic ecosystem of Lake Titicaca.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Faustina Eliana Quenta Choque, Sandra Lisbet Benavente Farfán , Buenaventura Optaciano Carpio Vásquez , Juan José Pauro Roque, Xiomara Daneysa Aguilar Quenta, Jesús Michael Llahuilla Quispe, Gimena Idme Esteban Anquise, Gloria Lisbeth Gutiérrez Álvarez
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