Synopsis of the genus Annona L. (Annonaceae) in Honduras


  • Joel Ortega-Aguilar Herbario Cyril Hardy Nelson Sutherland (TEFH), Escuela de Biología, UNAH, Boulevard Suyapa, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
  • Miguel Medina-Flores Herbario Cyril Hardy Nelson Sutherland (TEFH), Escuela de Biología, UNAH, Boulevard Suyapa, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
  • Olvin Oyuela-Andino Herbario Cyril Hardy Nelson Sutherland (TEFH), Escuela de Biología, UNAH, Boulevard Suyapa, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.



biodiversity, Neotropics, Mesoamerica, taxonomy, Annona


The genus Annona comprises approximately 162 species and is part of the tribe Annoneae in the subfamily Annonoideae. Although the majority of species are found in the Neotropics, a few originate from Africa, with the genus having its main center of origin in Central America and a secondary area of diversity in South America. This review is based on Annona specimens deposited in the Paul C. Standley (EAP) and Cyril Hardy Nelson Sutherland (TEFH) herbariums. Specimen records were referenced to gather data on phenology, distribution, habitat, and common names. This synopsis recognizes nine Annona species native to Honduras: A. cherimola, A. glabra, A. holosericea, A. liebmanniana, A. montana, A. muricata, A. purpurea, A. reticulata, and A. squamosa. On the other hand, the presence of A. macroprophyllata, A. subnubila and A. papillionela in Honduras is not confirmed due to the absence of specimens in the examined herbaria and a lack of documentation supporting their presence in the country. Deforestation, agricultural expansion, and urbanization have reduced Annona populations, leading to genetic erosion. Therefore, prioritizing the protection and conservation of this genus is essential. The nine species of the genus are categorized as Least Concern (LC) according to the IUCN Red List.


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How to Cite

Ortega-Aguilar, J., Medina-Flores, M. ., & Oyuela-Andino, O. (2025). Synopsis of the genus Annona L. (Annonaceae) in Honduras. Revista Forestal Del Perú, 39(2), 391-420.