Speech by Forestry Engineer Ignacio Lombardi Indacochea on his nomination as Professor Emeritus of the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina


  • Ignacio Lombardi




discourse, development, challenges, agriculture, forest management


The speech presents a summary of the activities carried out by the professor Ignacio Lombardi at the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina over more than 45 years in the institution, without considering the time as a student, where it is highlighted that he has held the positions of Vice-Rector for Teaching and Research, Dean of the Faculty of Forestry Sciences, among other academic and administrative positions. In addition to representing the University in different institutions, both national and foreign. Presents its own vision of institutional development and the commitments that must be made to the agrarian and fishing society of the country. Some challenges for development are pointed out that commit the university to professional training and research and extension, in order to respond to the demands of agricultural producers, especially medium and small producers, family farming and the development of natural forests and forest plantations.


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Artículo de opinión

How to Cite

Lombardi, I. . (2024). Speech by Forestry Engineer Ignacio Lombardi Indacochea on his nomination as Professor Emeritus of the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Revista Forestal Del Perú, 39(1), 4-10. https://doi.org/10.21704/rfp.v39i1.2139