
  • Héctor Aponte Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Veterinarias. Escuela de Biología Marina. Universidad Científica del Sur. Av. Antigua Carretera Panamericana Sur km 19 Villa El Salvador. - Lima 42, Perú. Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Avenida Arenales 1256, Jesús María - Lima. Apartado 14-0434, Lima 14, Perú.
  • Dámaso W. Ramírez Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Avenida Arenales 1256, Jesús María - Lima. Apartado 14-0434, Lima 14, Perú. Área de Biología. Coordinación de Cursos Básicos de Ciencias. Universidad Científica del Sur. Av. Antigua Carretera Panamericana Sur km 19 Villa El Salvador. - Lima 42, Perú.
  • Raúl Vargas Área de Biología. Coordinación de Cursos Básicos de Ciencias. Universidad Científica del Sur. Av. Antigua Carretera Panamericana Sur km 19 Villa El Salvador. - Lima 42, Perú.


Palabras clave:

Fires, succession, regeneration, resilience, wetlands


In the wetlands of Peru’s central coast, fires are a recurrent problem. Little is known concerning their impact on vegetation and the recovery strategies adopted by that vegetation in response to such events. The goal of this study is to provide information regarding changes in vegetation cover, density, growth and plant species diversity during the first 155 days after a fire that occurred at the Ventanilla Wetlands Regional Conservation Area (RCA). In order to evaluate the area, 51 plots, each measuring 1m2, were established. In these, the following information was recorded: a) Number of stems that survived the fire, divided by species; b) The length of new shoots, divided by species; c) The phenological stage of each stem; and d) Plant cover, obtained via visual estimation. Schoenoplectus americanus (bulrush) was the fastest to recover, followed by Distichlis spicata-Sporobolus virginicus (saltgrass). The only stems found to have survived the fire were those of S. americanus, and these began to die from day 45 onwards. Sarcocornia neeiTypha domingensis and Bolboeschoenus maritimus appeared after the event. Throughout the period of the study, the only species to flower was S. americanus, which began to flower from day 31. The Shannon Wiener and Simpson index values show that alpha diversity seems to have reached its highest value in the evaluated time and begins to decrease. Two important post-fire stages were identified for S. americanus (bulrush): a) The survival stage; and b) The growth stage. S. americanus has demonstrated a great ability to recover in the first stages following this ty of anthropogenic impact, achieving an average cover of 82% and representing 81% of the total abundance of stems during the first 155 days of evaluation.


Los datos de descarga aún no están disponibles.


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