About the Journal
País: PERÚ
e-ISSN: 2226-9479
DOI: 10.21704/ne
Frequency: one (1) volume whit two (2) numbers per year, it is a bi-annual publication journal.
Aims and scope
Natura@economía, is a biannual, peer-reviewed, and publishes original and peer-reviewed scientific research relevant to economics and links to natural resources, the environment, and sustainable development. Therefore, it helps to improve the knowledge of the complexities of the present real world, through the analysis with links or components of economic thought.
Theme: Natura@economía publishes relevant articles and covers the following areas of particular interest:
- Economic, Econometrics, and Finance
- Environmental Sciences
The objective of the Natura@economía journal is to disseminate the results of the research of Peruvians and foreigners, through original and review articles, which represent a contribution to science.
History: Natura@economía was created on July 15, 2010, throught Resolution N° 152-10-FEP, by the Faculty of Economía y Planificación of the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. It published its first issue from 2013 until 2014. It was reactivated in 2018 and published periodically until today.
Audience: People linked to economics and environmental sciences.