Analysis of Peru’s gold exports: Short and long-term behavior (2009-2019)


  • Oscar Fernando Navarro Angeles Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Perú.



gold, export, import, mining, fluctuation, stock market, Peru


Gold is one of the products that contributes the most to the value of Peru’s mining exports. In the period 2009-2019, the value of Peru’s gold exports showed a fluctuating behavior in the short term and a growing trend in the long term. The work shows the influence of the price of gold on fluctuations in the value of exports and the effect of the volume exported on the trend in the value of Peru’s gold exports. A direct long-term relationship is observed between the behavior of the price of gold and the stock indices of China, Switzerland and India, countries that are among the main importers of gold worldwide, which allows us to infer that the behavior of the economies of the aforementioned countries has influenced the price of gold. The increase in the number of the main destination countries for Peruvian gold, going from three (2009) to five countries (2019), has made it possible to maintain a growing trend in the value of Peru’s gold exports. The total demand for gold in these five countries (Switzerland, Canada, the USA, India and the United Arab Emirates) would have been influenced by the behavior of their respective GDPs, an influence that would have been conditioned by the situation of the world economy. Descriptive-comparative analysis, linear regression and correlation have been applied to the time series to identify the relationships between variables.


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Artículo original / Research Article

How to Cite

Navarro Angeles, O. F. (2022). Analysis of Peru’s gold exports: Short and long-term behavior (2009-2019). Natura@economía, 7(1), 32-46.