Transaction Costs Sources of Peruvian Exports: Single Window for Foreign Trade (VUCE)
asset specificity, transaction frequency, environmental uncertainty, actor’s behavioral uncertainty, supporting documentsAbstract
The transaction costs faced by Peruvian exporters are much higher than those faced by exporters from other Latin American countries. The reduction or elimination of these costs would require knowledge of their sources. However, as far as is known for the Peruvian case, they have not yet been identified. Therefore, grounded on the economic theory of transaction costs (TCT), this study had two objectives, the first one was to identify the main sources of the transaction costs confronted by Peruvian exporters who use the Single Window for Foreign Trade (VUCE). The second objective was to expand the knowledge field related to the study of transaction costs in international trade. The approach adopted in this study relied on literature review, semi-structured interviews to academic economists and Regnier’s abacus application to collect and analyze the opinions from professional experts on international trade. The results suggest that the main transaction costs sources confronted by exporters are: the gathering of supporting documents, the addition of supporting documents, delays at the border and the loss of business opportunities. This study provides a basis for further research, through quantitative methods or practical solutions designs which allow eliminating or reducing the transaction costs confronted by exporters who use VUCE. Therefore, it contributes to the international trade facilitation and increases local trader’s competitiveness.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Nicolas J. Morales Chumpitaz , Ibeth D. Pajuelo Tucto, Luis E. Huerta Camones

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