Water and economic carrying capacity of tourism in Paracas, Peru
lack of water, arid zones, agriculture and tourism, economic carrying capacity of tourism, Paracas, PeruAbstract
The diversification of productive activities reduces the economic vulnerability of a locality; but, at the same time, competition for local resources such as water increases, particularly if it is an arid area. This study analyzes whether the growth of tourism in Paracas, a town located on the desert coast of Peru, can be limited by the scarcity of that resource and if it could interfere with the growth of other local activities. To do this, qualitative and quantitative research techniques and the concept of economic carrying capacity of tourism are used. The study concludes that, in the short term, both tourism and other activities can continue to grow without entering into conflicts. But in the long term problems are likely to arise unless they reduce the excessive pressure they are putting on water consumption.
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