Agriculture and Deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon: A Bibliometric Review
agriculture, deforestation, Peruvian Amazon, bibliometric review, systematic searchAbstract
The study presents a comprehensive bibliometric review of the literature that explores the vital connection between agriculture and deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon. The review included a systematic search of the Scopus, SciELO, and Dialnet databases, as well as Google Scholar, resulting in 1064 records, with 64 selected for the review. The documents were obtained from various sources and involved 161 contributing authors, mainly affiliated with institutions in Peru and focused on agricultural sciences. The collected documents spanned a wide time frame from 1940 to the present, covering 11 departments and utilizing both qualitative and quantitative research methods, with a notable emphasis on Geographic Information Systems (GIS). However, the review identified a significant concentration in certain variables, such as 93.8% of the documents being from Scopus and Google Scholar. It is worth noting that Google Scholar substantially increased the size of the document corpus. The review also highlighted a predominant focus on Ucayali (23) and Loreto (15) and the twenty-first century. Recommendations include (i) giving priority to the use of Google Scholar in future reviews, (ii) conducting further studies in less-studied Amazon departments, particularly those experiencing significant deforestation such as Huánuco and San Martín, and (iii) delving into the historical perspective to facilitate discussions regarding the relevance for the Peruvian Amazon of impactful events concerning the national agricultural sector.
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