Jim Anchante Arias. The Overseas Nightingale: A Study of the Life and Work of Nicanor del la Rocca de Vergalo. Editorial Fund of the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. 2024





Jim Anchante Arias. Jim Anchante Arias has published valuable works on Peruvian poetry, among which stand out his studies Poesía, ser y quimera (Poetry, Being and Chimera) (2012) and Las figuras del cazador (The Figures of the Hunter) (2013). In these studies he already displays his knowledge and interest in the theme of the symbol, literary figures and French influences in Peruvian poetry. El ruiseñor de ultramar. Estudio de la vida y obra de Nicanor della Rocca de Vergalo is another contribution within this line of research cultivated by Anchante in these years. It is a study that arose from the consultation of important materials that he carried out while writing his doctoral thesis in France, and that aims to recover for the national literary history an author who enjoyed a certain importance in his time.


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How to Cite

Silva Guerrero, F. (2024). Jim Anchante Arias. The Overseas Nightingale: A Study of the Life and Work of Nicanor del la Rocca de Vergalo. Editorial Fund of the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. 2024. Tierra Nuestra, 18(1), 29-31. https://doi.org/10.21704/rtn.v18i1.1842