Attitudes towards the subject of Quality Control and its relation to meaningful learning in students of the Faculty of Food Industries of the National Agrarian University La Molina - 2020
educational research, education, trainingAbstract
In the research "Attitudes towards the subject of Quality Control and its relationship with meaningful learning in students of the Faculty of Food Industries of the National Agrarian University La Molina - 2020". The type of research is non-experimental. The objective of the research is to establish the relationship that exists between the attitudes towards the subject of Quality Control with significant learning in the students of the Faculty of Food Industries of the National Agrarian University La Molina, 2020. The results of reliability and validity was satisfactory with Cronbach's Alpha and Factor Analysis (KMO), likewise they coincide with the idea that attitudes, beliefs, opinions and predisposition in students towards certain subjects have to be positive to achieve meaningful learning. The conclusion is that the attitudes towards the subject of Quality Control have no significant relationship with significant learning in the students of the Faculty of Food Industries of the National Agrarian University La Molina, 2020. The correlation coefficient is -0, 29, at a significance level of 0.05.
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