The fantastic and the marvelous in four short stories by Abraham Valdelomar


  • Nehemías Vega Mendieta Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Perú.



Valdelomar, fantastic, marvelous, short story


The present text seeks to study the fantastic narrative of Abraham Valdelomar, author who in spite of to be considered one of the founders of the Peruvian story still has not been fully studied and the majority of works repeats topics and common classifications of his stories. Many of the critics who have treated Valdelomar’s work have centred on his creole stories and they have dedicated little to the study of his fantastic and wonderful stories. Our article will centre on the analysis of four stories, on which we will try to differentiate the fantastic and the wonderful. The select stories are “Finis desolatrix veritae”, “El Hipocampo de oro”, “ Hebaristo, el sauce que murió de amor” and “El beso de Evans”.


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How to Cite

Vega Mendieta, N. (2023). The fantastic and the marvelous in four short stories by Abraham Valdelomar. Tierra Nuestra, 17(1), 79-89.