Doses and time of spraying of mepiquat chloride in escabeche pepper (Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum)
escabeche pepper, Capsicum, plant hormones, growth inhibitor, plant growth regulator, mepiquat chlorideAbstract
The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of mepiquat chloride applied at three times and three different doses: in the development, yield and quality of the cultivation of “escabeche” chili pepper (Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum). In this experiment, a 23 factorial arrangement was used in a randomized complete block statistical design (DBCA) with four replications, the analysis of variance (ANVA) and the Duncan comparison test of means at 5% for the factors and levels were performed. The doses and moments evaluated were: mepiquat chloride at d1: 250; d2: 375 and d3: 500 ppm; application times at m1: 20, m2: 35 and m3: 50 days after transplanting. No statistically significant differences were found for the interaction of the dose x moment factor, nor for the moment factor. However, statistically significant differences were found for the dose factor and its levels in the variables yield and number of fruits per plant, obtaining the highest value in these variables at the doses of 250 and 375 ppm of mepiquat chloride with a yield of 21,16 – 21,07 t ha-1 and 23,24 – 22,94 fruits plant-1 respectively, regardless of the time of application. Therefore, we can say that the application of mepiquat chloride at doses of 250 and 375 ppm had a positive effect on the crop, increasing the yield and number of fruits per plant, regardless of the time of application.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Juan Nolasco Chumpitaz, Andrés Casas Díaz

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