Prices and opportunity cost of commercial agriculture in Peru 2001-2021
commercial agriculture, opportunity cost, agricultural financial riskAbstract
In Peru, exports of agricultural origin have multiplied almost 10 times, going from an FOB value close to US$200 million in 2001, to a value of US$1,950 million in 2022; however, the participation of its negotiable securities (company shares) in a centralized market on the Lima Stock Exchange (BVL) is very low. With the exception of sugar companies, most don’t report information on the market prices of their corporate shares on the BVL, which limits the calculation of the opportunity cost of capital (COK) in this sector. The objective of the investigation was to approximate the agricultural COK from the prices registered by the exported and imported products, considering a sample made up of seven export products and six import products, which represent more than 85% of the value of agricultural commercialization. from Peru abroad. To determine the agricultural COK, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) model was used, a capital asset valuation model that allows calculating the price and behavior of variable financial assets. The research achieved the objective of determining the COK for the commercial agricultural sector in Peru for the period analyzed 2001 - 2021, the resulting value reached the level of 20.24%, which reflects assuming the investment risk in this sector and that is below the calculations made by other studies and below the high discount rates that commercial banks apply to the flow of investment projects in agriculture, punishing the value of investments in the sector much more.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Juan F. Magallanes Díaz, Carlos F. Camasi Montes, Juan C. Rojas Cubas
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.