



mining tailings, physicochemical parameters, mean lethal concentration (LC50), biosorption, Yarrowia lipolytica


The objective of this work was to study the mean lethal concentration (LC50) and the biosorption capacity of heavy metals in isolated yeasts from Lake Junín and the Yanamate tailings facility. In both bodies of water were evaluated: pH, electrical conductivity, temperature, total dissolved solids (STD) and heavy metals by ICM-MS, according to the Environmental Quality Standards (ECA) of the Ministry of the Environment-MINAM of Peru. The physicochemical parameters evaluated in Lake Junín were higher than the maximum permissible limits (MPL) for the following metals: arsenic, cadmium, copper, chromium and lead. In the Yanamate tailings facility, the evaluated parameters were out of the LMP for type IV water ECAs: pH below 3 (acids), high electrical conductivities and high concentrations of heavy metals. From the sampled waters, yeasts were isolated in YPG medium at 10 ° C and 20 ° C. The LC50 of the Cr+6, Cu+2, Cd+2 and Hg+2 ions in Y. lipolytica AMJ3 were 0.24 mM, 1.34 mM, 0.54 mM y 7.5 0.04 mM in the order described; while the strain Y. lipolytica AMJ6 showed a LC50 of 1.06 mM, 1.42 mM, 0.49 mM y 0.05 mM in the same order. The biosorption capacity of the Cu+2 ion was 90% in the case of the AMJ3 strain, and 92% in the AMJ6 strain, at a concentration of 1.26 mM; likewise, the biosorption of the Cr+6 ion was close to 90% in both strains (AMJ3 and AMJ6) at concentrations of 0.24 mM and 0.96 mM, respectively. Nucleotide sequence analysis of AMJ3 and AMJ6 strains confirmed 100% identity in the Yarrowia lipolytica clade. These LC50 and biosorption capacity results indicate that the studied yeasts have potential in the bioremediation of water bodies and soils contaminated with heavy metals.


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Sánchez-Rojas, T. L. ., Macedo-Prada, D., Ramírez, P. S. ., Arrieta, L. K. ., Durán, Y. ., Flores, A. ., Manya, W. F. ., & Guerra, G. . (2023). Yarrowia lipolytica STRAINS ISOLATED FROM HIGH ANDEAN LAGOONS OF PERU CONTAMINATED WITH MINING TAILINGS AS POTENTIAL AGENTS FOR THE BIOREMEDIATION OF HEAVY METALS. Ecología Aplicada, 22(1), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.21704/rea.v22i1.1978