A Simple and Rapid Algorithm for Predicting Froghopper (Aeneolamia spp.) Population Increase in Sugarcane Fields based on Temperature and Relative Humidity


  • C. Martinez-Martinez Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Catholic University of El Salvador, El Salvador, Central America. By pass Metapan y carretera Antigua a San Salvador. carlos.martinez@catolica.edu.sv. (503) 7315 6546, (503) 2484 0613, (503) 7859 8618
  • C. Somoza-Vargas Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Catholic University of El Salvador, El Salvador, Central America. By pass Metapan y carretera Antigua a San Salvador. carlos.martinez@catolica.edu.sv. (503) 7315 6546, (503) 2484 0613, (503) 7859 8618




Pest management, applied software, population prediction, entomology


In Integrated Pest Management practices, knowledge from multiple disciplines is incorporated to facilitate the understanding of a problem and the development a practical, feasible, and ecologically sustainable solution. A froghopper (Aeneolamia spp.) plague can trigger major economic losses in sugarcane plantations in countries such as El Salvador and others in Latin America. Losses are often due to a lack of understanding of the life cycle of a pest and the underestimation of its annual reproductive potential. An algorithm was developed to model the most relevant aspects of froghopper reproduction and its interactions with the environment, to facilitate the prediction of potential increases in adult populations and its propagation in fields. Data on several biological variables were collected as numerical measures and used to perform calculations based on a mathematical model designed particularly to simulate the reproduction of the pest, its economic threshold, and potential losses due to major natural events, with the aim of developing a tool that could support decision-making. The predictions of the tool were consistent with the findings of other studies in the field. The software and its installation instructions can be downloaded for free from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oUWTTbi lWMhoFuTH4wCKtuzjFwDd89/view


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How to Cite

Martinez-Martinez, C., & Somoza-Vargas, C. (2019). A Simple and Rapid Algorithm for Predicting Froghopper (Aeneolamia spp.) Population Increase in Sugarcane Fields based on Temperature and Relative Humidity. Peruvian Journal of Agronomy, 3(2), 47-56. https://doi.org/10.21704/pja.v3i2.1314