Editorial management
In the first stage the editorial committee checks that the manuscript received adheres to the journal's lines of interest and follows the guidelines established by the author's guide (within one week). If it meets both requirements, the committee advises the author that the manuscript will undergo a review process, if the manuscript does not conform to the journal's editorial line, the committee advises the author to modify the manuscript or suggests sending it to another journal. In the review stage, reviewers can express their opinions and suggestions in the "opinion sheet" within a maximum of 25 days, recommending acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. To proceed with the acceptance, the authors take note of the reviewers' observations and comply with the respective feedback. The editor-in-chief reserves the right to make the final decision of acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.
When the manuscript is approved by all reviewers, the e-proof is prepared and sent to the author for approval within 48 hours, prior to publication.
In the worst case, the article is rejected and the authors are informed, attaching a report with the reasons for rejection.
Note: To facilitate the peer review process, authors may send the contact details of two (2) potential reviewers, specialists in the subject of the article. However, the editorial committee will make the final decision.
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