Modelling of permanent wilting point from routine soil properties on a typical alfisol
Pedotransfer function, regression models, soil moisture content, toposequence, water coefficientAbstract
Soil water holding capacity at permanent wilting point is imperative for plant water stress in specific soil type. This study was undertaken to formulate a regression model or equation for predicting permanent wilting points (PWP) of soils on a typical Alfisol of basement complex origin at the Teaching and Research Farm of the University of Ilorin. A total of forty five (45) disturbed and forty five (45) undisturbed soils samples were collected along a toposequence (upper, middle and bottom slope) at 3 depths: 0 cm – 30 cm, 30 cm – 60 cm, and 60 cm – 90 cm. Soil properties of the disturbed and undisturbed samples were determined using basic experimental methods and/ or calculated using reputable techniques. The measured soil properties include the proportions of soil separates, bulk density, total porosity, PWP and organic matter. Three different models were developed for predicting PWP of soil using regression model technique. There was no significant relationship between PWP and soil separates, bulk density and total porosity. However, only the silt content was positively correlated with PWP (r=0.22; p<0.05). Although, model three of PWP with the highest adjusted coefficient of determination (0.2952) emerged as the optimal choice. The model clarifies 30 % of part of variance in the mean square error of PWP with sand, silt and clay contributing statistically to the model. This implies that additional variables and techniques such as spatial and machine learning aside those used in the present study would provide a more reliable pedotransfer function for predicting PWP in the soil.
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