The fiction leaked in Cesar Vallejo’s Wold Fables




César Vallejo, Fabla salvaje, fiction, narrator, antithetical diction


The objective of this article is to reveal how the use of a cultural discourse (with clear modernist roots) disturbs and punctures, at certain moments of the narrative, the coherent configuration of the fiction in Fabla Savage. In fact, if in most of the diegesis a pertinent narrative (with a direct and simple tone) is observed as a realistic, rural and Andean family conflict develops, it is disrupted when the heterodiegetic narrator suddenly incorporates some ostentatious statements. So this super-standard level diction dismantles the naturalness of the narrative statements to transform them into clearly artificial oratorical situations. And this narrative option allows the exhibitionism of a narrator who stands as if he were the main protagonist of the story told, thanks to his loudly Rubendarian eloquence. Regarding our theoretical framework, we work with the fictional proposals of Jesús G. Maestro and the narratological proposals on the category of the character of Gerard Genette. Well, with the support of these categories we allow ourselves a critical, appropriate reading of this first novel by César Vallejo.


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How to Cite

De la Sota Díaz, E. (2024). The fiction leaked in Cesar Vallejo’s Wold Fables. Tierra Nuestra, 18(1), 1-10.