Management and Audit model of Merchandising in small business fashion in Gamarra, Lima, Peru




merchandising, auditing, operational efficiency, management, clothing stores


The objective of this research was to design a comprehensive management and audit model of merchandising with elements that enable clothing retailers in the commercial area of Gamarra in the district of La Victoria to increase sales efficiency. The development of the model was based mainly on the review of literature on merchandising, analyzing the types of merchandising: presentation, management and seduction, the elements or factors that make them up, that the authors relate to the increase in sales; then, to later select and regroup them, under a new perspective, to integrate them under a model of management and merchandising audit in accordance with the reality of Gamarra dress shops. The study concludes that the merchandising management and audit model, which integrates elements of three types of merchandising: presentation, management, and seduction, will enable small clothing stores to achieve substantial improvements in merchandising management overcoming operational deficiencies that present and achieve a significant increase in sales efficiency making its performance sustainable over time.


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Original articles/ Business, Management and Accounting

How to Cite

Ferrando Perea, A. (2021). Management and Audit model of Merchandising in small business fashion in Gamarra, Lima, Peru. Anales Científicos, 82(1), 42-53.