Calibration of time domain reflectometry sensors in ultisol savanna soils
soil moisture probe, capacitance, CS616, TDRAbstract
The time domain reflectometry method (TDR) estimates the soil water content by getting the soil dielectric permittivity (Ka) and a third order polynomial that relates the Ka with the volumetric water content. However, in many applications an in-situ calibration must be performed for a particular soil type. The objectives of this study were to perform the calibration and determine the specific equations of a CS616 humidity sensor, in savanna Ultisols soils of different textures, collected in different agricultural areas of the Maturín Municipality, Monagas state, Venezuela, to correct the measurements of the TDR sonda. The study was carried out in square stainless-steel containers with a side of 10 cm and a height of 32 cm, implemented under controlled conditions in a postgraduate greenhouse at the Universidad de Oriente, where daily monitoring of soil moisture measurements was carried out for 30 days, from saturated humidity to natural drying. The CS616 sensors presented a linear response to the variation of soil moisture obtaining R2 > 0,90. The RMSE values before and after calibration ranged from 0,119 to 0,012 m3m-3. The Willmott (d) and performance (c) indexes indicate that the equation of best fit was found in the clay loam soil. It is concluded that the calibration equations obtained were more precise than the factory equations in this type of soil.
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Copyright (c) 2022 José Gil-Marín, María Cordova-Rodriguez, Alejandro Zermeño-Gonzalez

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