municipal discharges, contamination of rivers, CCME water quality index, Achamayo Junín and Shullcas Junín sub-basinAbstract
Rivers and streams, in most cases, are used as a receiving body for municipal waste, which, without proper treatment, generates water pollution problems. In the study areas of this research, there is information from water quality monitoring published by the National Water Authority, where the results are not very understandable for a population that does not know about the subject. Water Quality Indices (WQI) are one of the most used tools to evaluate water quality, since they summarize the data on the physicochemical and microbiological parameters in a simple and easy- to-understand way. The objective of this research was to carry out the evaluation of the ICA in the Achamayo and Shullcas sub-basins through the canadian methodology CCME-WQI (The Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment - Water Quality Index). For this, data from water quality monitoring reports from 2015 to 2020, municipal discharges and geospatial information from rivers and basins were used. The Shullcas sub-basin obtained an AQI result of 46.2, which corresponds to a “marginal” water quality; this result is a consequence of the high concentrations of thermotolerant coliforms and Escherichia coli, while the Achamayo sub-basin obtained an AQI-CCME of 67.8, which corresponds to a “regular” quality, reaching the conclusion that the Shullcas subbasin is the most impacted by municipal discharges, which is why it is recommended to build wastewater treatment plants with activated sludge technology or MBBR moving bed bioreactors.
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