Use of biorational insecticides for the management of storage insect pests: A review
grain infestation, microbials, pheromones, botanicals, natural enemiesAbstract
Pests of various species cause havoc on storage grains, resulting in both qualitative and quantitative grain losses. Insect pests feed stored grains and reduce the weight, nutritional content, and germination of these grains. Contamination, odor, mold, and heat damage are also caused by infestations, decreasing the grain’s quality and rendering it unfit for human or animal consumption. Commercial grain buyers might choose between refusing to accept insect-infested grain or paying a reduced price for it. Various pest management practices have been tried. The emergence of insecticidal and fungicidal resistance, as well as damage to non-target organisms and acute and chronic effects on humans and the environment have necessitated the use of biorational methods over chemical control of storage-product pests. The term biorational refers to several products that are relatively non-toxic and have few environmental adverse effects. Biorational techniques, such as the use of microbials, pheromones, and food attractants, natural enemies, botanicals, and biological control, were used as alternatives to chemical pesticides for suppressing and controlling storage-product pests. To ensure food security and agricultural sustainability, the use of such biorational chemicals is unavoidable.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Sovit Parajuli, Aavash Adhikari, Sandip Paudel, Dipesh Oli, Sagar Bhandari, Jiban Shrestha

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