Avena forrajera (Avena sativa L.) un cultivo transitorio importante para la alimentación animal en la sierra peruana
https://doi.org/10.21704/pja.v7i2.1949Palabras clave:
avena forrajera (Avena sativa L.), altiplano, indicadores, superficie cosechada, rendimientos, producciónResumen
The main objective of this research was to analyze different institutional data bases related to harvested area, yield and production of forage oat crops, from 2017 to 2022, at regional and country level. For this purpose, statistical data information was taken from 14 regions where oat is cultivated in Peru. The current research had a non-experimental quantitative approach, by using the data provided by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEI) and the Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego (MIDAGRI). Collected data was organized in a group of spreadsheet of Excel 365, after that the same software was used for data processing and analysis. Results showed that oats had the greater sown area among transitory crops in the country. During the analyzed data period, Puno region increased its forage oat area harvested by 16.31 % (68 040 ha in 2017 to 79 139 ha in 2022) and obtained the highest mean yield (28.32 t.ha-1) and production (2 138 637.62 t) that the other regions and it mainly produced 80.12 % of country production (2 669 276.67 t) of fresh forage.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Javier Arias Carbajal, Fernando Jesús Passoni Telles, Edgardo Arturo Vilcara Cárdenas
Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución 4.0.