Communicative competence in the business Management Engineering degree at UNALM: A case study




communicative competence, language competence, Business management, UNALM, competency-based approach


This study examines the notion of communicative competence in the curricular and academic proposal of the professional career of Business Management Engineering at the National Agrarian University La Molina (Lima, Peru) in the professional career of Business Management Engineering. This analysis is grounded on the instance of the course on Behavior and Culture of Organizations, a specialized area that corresponds to the third academic cycle of its curriculum. Initially, the concept of communicative competence is enriched from the domains of education and linguistics (referential framework). Subsequently, the methodology is made explicit, encompassing a qualitative approach through case studies. A hierarchy of documentation is established for the study in question, and the respective evaluation is prepared. At this point, a case analysis has been developed, which has as its axis the proposal of the course on Behavior and Culture of Organizations. Particularly noteworthy are the sections pertaining to communication, as well as the points pertaining to the competencies of the course in general and the scope of the evaluations. It is observed that, when considering the process that leads from general to more specific documentation, there is an adequate evaluation of communicative competence in the course in question. Nonetheless, there exist certain limitations or omissions in the process itself, both in terms of its development and its contents. 


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How to Cite

Corzo-Zavaleta, J. ., Navarro-Castillo, Y., & Anchante-Arias, J. A. . (2022). Communicative competence in the business Management Engineering degree at UNALM: A case study. Tierra Nuestra, 18(2), 142-153.